2021 Artist of Meraki Magazine, 2021-upcoming
2020 MASS Movement, July 2020, https://www.the-mass.com/july-2020
2020 Interview Circles des Arts Foundation 2019 https://circle-arts.com/interview-emanuela-i-h-sintamarian/
2019 Made in Paint, catalogue-The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation
2017 The Mercury News, Abstract art gets a modern, feminist touch in, by Lou Fancher, Oct 3, 2017
2016 Interview: Romanian Artists Abroad / Radio Romania Cultural , August, 2016
2016 *Particule subatomice pe vârf de pensulă, June 17, http://specialarad.ro/particule-subatomice-pe- varf-de-pensula/
* Arad Culture, Subatomic ColorWheel, Tomkat; http://aradculture.ro/subatomiccolorwhole/
2016: Catalog -solo exhibition Panta Rei, Art Yourself Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
2016 Periferal Vision: http://www.peripheralvisionarts.org/sintamarian-profile/
2016 Marin MOCA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnxome0zLoE
2012: *Kunstenaars uit de hele werld kameren op C-Mine, Het Belang van Limburg #186,by Chris Nelis, 22 August
*Genk kunstenaarsdorp op C Mine, Dag Limburg, Kunstenaarsdorp / TVL Belgium, reporter Nele Postelmans
*“Maximalism: Utopia”-Ema Harris-Sintamarian at Jack Fischer Gallery, by Greg Flood, The Examiner, April 12, 2012 http://www.examiner.com/article/maximalism-utopia-ema-harrissintamarian- at-the-jack-fischer-gallery
*ARTSLANT San Francisco: Artist Profile: http://www.artslant.com/sf/articles/show/31194 *Catalogue: Art Takes Miami
*Catalogue, Momenutum WAC, Gallery 825, LA
“* In Other Words” at the Intersection for the Arts, by Nancy Ewart, SF Museum Examiner,
March 28, 2012, http://www.examiner.com/museum-in-san-francisco/in-other-words-at-theintersection- for-the-arts-review
2012: January / Finalist round 1 ArtSlant
Juxtapoz, December 29th, http://www.juxtapoz.com/Illustration/emanuela-harris-sintamarian
*The annual "No Dead Artists" show opens at the Jonathan Ferrara Gallery in New Orleans By:
Eric Bookhardt, 09/09/2011 http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50288 *http://www.escapeintolife.com/art-news/art-news-headlines-september-19-2011/
*“Bay Area galleries dish up a bevy of eclectic offerings”, By Jennifer Modenessi , San Jose
Mercury News, 09/08/2011
*2011: Catalog: Studio Visit Magazine, vol 13-14
*Catalog: Harvests of New Millennium, February, published by Cyberwit Kalindipuram, India
*2010: Catalog: 8th Annual Open International Juried Exhibition: Painting on the Edge,
Vancouver, Canada
*2010: “Secret Drawings, Dream Sequences & Surreal Reinventions” http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/depts/csd/activities_and_recreation/attractions/art_center/news/d etails.asp?NewsID=1587&TargetID=27,248,28,249
*“A woman’s art traces dad’s disappearance”, by Kenneth Baker, San Francisco Chronicle,April, 18, 2009
*Art notes: SFMOMA, Kentridge, Shettar, First Thursday, April 6, 2009 http://www.ptank.com/blog/tag/ema-h-sintamarian/
*KQVA-TV: Artist Portrait: Ema Harris-Sintamarian; - producer Mark Potter
*Stories Real and Vividly Imagined, KulturStan,Oct. 13, 2007 http://www.kulturstan.se
*You Should Stop Editing, by Johnny Ray Huston , San Francisco Bay Guardian, Oct.. 3, 2007
*SJICA Launches Residency Program In South Bay, ArtDaily
*NextNew 2007 and Mitra Fabian at the San Jose ICA, by David Buuk, ArtWeek Nov. 2007, vol.38, issue 9
*QKUD-Spark TV, interview with Naill McKay, produced by QKUD –Spark TV, 2007 *Emanuela Harris-Sintamarian at Rosenfeld Gallery: (http://fallonandrosof.blogspot.com/search/label/emanuela%20harris-sintamarian) 2007 *Charlotte Kruk n' Kempken et Ema Sintamarian, Les cahiers Truong, (http://alaintruong.canalblog.com/archives/2007/03/27/index.html) 2007
*Charlotte Kruk n’Kempken and Ema Sintamarian, ArtDaily, 2007 (http://www.artdaily.com/section/lastweek/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=19718&int_modo=2 *“Advertising, stock phrases and real estate come under the microscope in Pro Arts show”, San Francisco Chronicle, August.27, 2005 by Kenneth Baker
*Santa Clara Review, Fall/Winter, 2005, Volume 93 No 1-full page coverage art work
*“New Visions at Pro Arts” by Renny Pritikin, Shotgun Review, September 10, 2005 http://www.delpesco.com/shotgun/archives/000182.html
*“Works Tonight”- commentaries, http://www.village savant.com
*“Fly Energy”, Philadelphia Weekly, March.7.2005 by Roberta Fallon
*“Exuberance and restrain,”, http://www.fallonandrosof.com/2005/03/exuberance-andrestraint. html, 03/08/2005 by Libby Rosof
*“Momentum”-South Bay Art Momentum Exhibition, fall 2004-catalogue exhibition
*“Direct Art”-full page coverage of art work, Vol.7, Fall and Winter, 2002-3